Finally! Taking our 5 year old Mare with more attitude than sense sometimes for some much needed training!
Flash thinks she is a dog and will follow you around, not realizing she is 1000# and rub and cuddle, but get on her back and she turns into... well a mare. I am excited for her to get this much needed attention. We take her to a guy name Blake tonight after work in Grantsville, hope all goes well! She is very selective about who she will let ride her as well. She is very sexist and pretty much hates men :)...girl after my own heart :). Our dear friend Glen that we got Flash from told me this last summer when we were riding; I asked if he wanted to ride her and he said "Hell no, she scares the hell out of me." I laughed because he is the seasoned cowboy, tough guy and I can't imagine him being scared of any horse. Turns out she broke three of his ribs with an incident that I was not aware of prior to owning her. On another occasion I wanted to ride with Taylor, so I wanted to ride Lou and told Jeremy to ride Flash. I got off of her and handed him the reins. Taylor and I were walking towards Lou, I turned around and Miss Flash is trying to get rid of her rider.She is running into the gate and is just going to slide Jeremy right off of her... (kinda funny if your not Jeremy). He gets off of her and says "No way". So me and Taylor decide to try Flash double and wouldn't you know it behaved like a dream...
Flash and I, last summer.
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